Olimex MSP430-5510STK MSP430 MPS430F5510 Starter Kit Prototype Board

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Brand: Olimex MPN: MSP430-5510STK


The Olimex MSP430-5510STK development board is a low-cost system for developing applications for the Texas Instruments MSP430F5510 ultra low-power microcontroller. The MSP430 is a 16-bit mixed signal MCU with 32KB flash mermory, 4KB RAM and a wealth of IO interface options. It drives serial interfaces including USB, UART, SPI, and I2C plus an 8-character alphanumeric LCD, JTAG interface, mini SD/MMC, LEDs and a UEXT connector. .All the MCU's IO pins are available on solder pads adjacent to a prototyping area which covers almost half the board area.
  • 4MHz crystal oscillator
  • 32768Hz oscillator crystal for real time clock
  • Dimensions 100 x 80mm (3.94 x 3.14in)


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