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Edu-Logger Light Gate Logger Sensor

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This sensor can be used to study various kinds of motion. With five modes of operation, time, velocity or acceleration can be measured with one or two photo gates and associated timing cards, as well as showing pictorially the status (digital 1 or 0) of the voltage output of the photo gate as timing cards pass through it.

The modes of operation are selected by clicking on the relevant picture.

The measured values can be displayed digitally or graphically.

The sensor has five modes of operations:
  • Time and Velocity Mode
  • Acceleration with single photo-gate
  • Acceleration with two photo-gates
  • Velocity and Momentum with two photo-gates
  • Status graph mode

Sensors must be used with the Edulogger USB module (available as Rapid part 53-1112) or the Wi-Fi module.
Interface USB/Wireless
Maximum Sample Rate 10,000S/s
Number of Channels 1
Type Light gate logger sensor


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