Hammond Ritec RL Series Grey Instrument Enclosures with Standard Lids

<p><a href="/forms/hammond-modifications" title="Hammond modifications"><img src="//static.rapidonline.com/img/hammond/customise/customiseText2.png" width="555" style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px;" alt="Click here to request a Hammond modification"></a><br><br>These instrument<STRONG> enclosures </STRONG>from<STRONG> Hammond </STRONG>are moulded in light grey general purpose ABS plastic with light texture.</p>
  • Available in a range of sizes
  • Designed to meet IP54
  • Two part construction. Both halves include smooth recessed area for membrane, label or silkscreen
  • Available with either flanged or standard lids
  • Close fitting lids are secured by screws (supplied)
  • Boxes can be easily drilled
  • Bosses moulded into base and lid allow horizontal mounting of PCBs (screws supplied)
Order codeMftrs Part No.Size (mm)
30-0020RL610580 x 60 x 30
30-3110RL611580 x 60 x 40
31-1502RL6165105 x 65 x 30
31-1504RL6175105 x 65 x 40
30-0021RL6215125 x 80 x 35
30-3114RL6225125 x 80 x 50
30-3118RL6335125 x 100 x 60
30-3122RL6365125 x 100 x 90
30-3126RL6435150 x 100 x 60
30-3130RL6465150 x 100 x 90
30-3134RL6555175 x 125 x 70
30-0022RL6585175 x 125 x 100
30-0023RL6655200 x 150 x 70
30-0024RL6685200 x 150 x 100
