Q. I looking to detect an n-gauge model train passing over a rail track. I'm thinking of drilling a hole between the sleepers and securing a 58-0112 IR emitter and a 58-0115 sensor at an angle to each other so that the infrared light will reflect off the underside of the train which will be about 8mm away from IR LED's (give or take and I intend to do a bit of trial and error to get the angle right). Is there a chance this may work or must the two devices be exactly inline and opposite with each other. The train underside is black which I think white is better for reflection. Many thanks for your comments.
A. Hi Mike. Thank you for your question. This may work but both items will require powering both sides for this circuit to work. My suggestion would be a reed switch (60-0520) and a very small magnet (06-0560) attached to the train, this may be a better option and would work as a much simpler operation, than using the fiddly IR system.