Keithley 6221/2182A/E Digital Multimeter DMM

Keithley Brand: Keithley
<P>The <STRONG>Keithley 6221</STRONG> is a <STRONG>Digital Multimeter</STRONG> (<STRONG>AC and DC Current Source</STRONG>) that combines ease of use with exceptionally low current noise. It is ideal for applications in test environments ranging from R&amp;D to production, especially in the semiconductor, nanotechnology, and superconductor industries. </P><P>The 6221 is the only low current AC source on the market. Before its introduction, researchers and engineers were forced to build their own AC current sources. </P><P>The multimeter is fully programmable via the front panel controls or from an external controller via RS-232 or GPIB interfaces; the 6221 also features an Ethernet interface for remote control from anywhere there's an Ethernet connection. The multimeter can source DC currents from 100fA to 105mA, and source AC currents from 4pA to 210mA peak to peak. The output voltage compliance of either source can be set from 0.1V to 105V in 10mV steps. </P><P>The 6221 offers tools for defining current ramps and stepping through predefined sequences of up to 65,536 output values using a trigger or a timer. The 6221 also supports linear, logarithmic, and custom sweeps.<STRONG></P></STRONG>
  • Source and sink (programmable load) 100fA to 100mA
  • 1014W output impedance ensures stable current sourcing into variable loads
  • 65000-point source memory allows executing comprehensive test current sweeps directly from the current source
  • Built-in RS -232, GPIB, Trigger Link, and digital I/O interfaces
  • Reconfigurable triax output simplifies matching the application's guarding requirements
  • Source AC currents from 4pA to 210mA peak to peak for AC characterization of components and materials
  • 10MHz output update rate generates smooth sine waves up to 100kHz
  • Built-in standard and arbitrary waveform generators with 1mHz to 100kHz frequency range
  • Programmable pulse widths as short as 5μs, limiting power dissipation in delicate components
  • Built-in Ethernet interface for easy remote control without a GPIB controller card
  • Available: Keithley 6221/2182A with complete Delta Mode System, AC and DC Current Source, Nanovoltmeter, and all necessary cables (GPIB cables not included)
  • Manufacturer's part: Keithley 6221
Description Image Product Buy Qty Pricing (Ex VAT) Type Display Interfaces
Keithley 6221 Digital Multimeter DMM
Keithley 6221 Digital Multimeter DMM
Standard range
Order code: 63-0479
MPN: 6221

2 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 9 weeks
1+ £9030.00
Keithley 6221 & 2182A/E Digital Multimeter & Delta Mode System Nanovoltmeter
Keithley 6221 & 2182A/E Digital Multimeter & Delta Mode System Nanovoltmeter
Standard range
Order code: 63-0480
MPN: 6221/2182A/E

1 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 9 weeks
1+ £10800.00
Digital Multimeter LCD 5
Waveforms:Sine, Square, Ramp, and 4 user defined arbitrary waveforms
Frequency Range:1MHz to 100kHz
Frequency accuracy:±100ppm (1 year)
Sample Rate:10 MSPS
Amplitude:4pA to 210mA peak-peak into loads up to 1012Ω
Amplitude Resolution:16 bits
Amplitude accuracy (<10kHz)
Magnitude:±(1% rdg + 0.2% range)
Offset:±(0.2% rdg + 0.2% range)
Sine wave characteristics
Amplitude Flatness:Less than 1dB up to 100kHz
Square wave characteristics
Overshoot:2.5% max
Variable Duty Cycle:4 Settable to 1µs min. pulse duration
Jitter (RMS):100ns + 0.1% of period
Ramp wave characteristics:Linearity: <0.1% of peak output up to 10kHz
Arbitrary wave characteristics:Waveform Length: 2 to 64K points
Jitter (RMS):100ns +0.1% of period
Common mode voltage:250V rms, DC to 60Hz
Common mode isolation:>109W, <2nF
Source output modes:Fixed DC level, Memory List
Remote interface:IEEE-488 and RS-232C
SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)
DDC (command language compatible with Keithley Model 220)
Password protection:11 characters
Digital interface
Handler Interface:Start of test, end of test, 3 category bits, +5V@300mA supply
Digital I/O:1 trigger input, 4 TTL/Relay Drive outputs (33V@500mA, diode clamped)
Output connections
Teflon insulated 3-lug triax connector for output
Banana safety jack for Guard, Output LO
Screw terminal for Chassis
DB-9 connector for External Trigger Input, Output, and Digital I/O
Two position screw terminal for INTERLOCK
Interlock:Maximum 10W external circuit impedance
Power supply:100V to 240Vrms, 50 to 60Hz
Power consumption:120VA
Dimensions:Rack Mounting: 89(H) x 213(W) x 370(D)mm
