O'Reilly 9781680450262 Make: Electronics 2nd Edition

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Brand: O'Reilly MPN: 9781680450262 EAN-13: 9780596153748
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Charles Platt, 2009, 352 pages.

A book that contains step-by-step instructions and over 500 full-colour photographs and illustrations and is an excellent introduction to electronics. Starting with the basics all the key components and fundamental principles are covered, using a series of fun and fascinating experiments, learning by doing the practical circuit building and then covering the attendant theory. With the knowledge and skills gained through this book it will be soon possible to carry out project work such as switching circuits, integrated circuits, simple alarms and programmable microcontrollers.
  • Learning through discovery
  • Discover by breaking things: experiment with components and learn from failure
  • Set up a tricked-out project space: make a work area at home, equipped with the tools and parts required
  • Learn about key electronic components and their functions within a circuit
  • Create an intrusion alarm, holiday lights, wearable electronic jewelry, audio processors, a reflex tester, and a combination lock
  • Build an autonomous robot cart that can sense its environment and avoid obstacles
  • ISBN: 978-0-596-15374-8


Good, but US centric and a some errors

Reviewed by: H2SO4 - Monday, December 1, 2014
This book could be good but is very US centric to the point of completely biased and erroneous sections on the merits of metric and imperial measurements. As such I can not recommend this book for educational use. If you can ignore the above then there are some good practical sections presented in a humorous way that help explain and enable building circuits.
