A kit of parts for you to build a negative voltage generator. Many projects require a negative voltage source such as those heavily based around op-amps and generating a negative voltage can be difficult.
With this kit you will learn how to build a simple negative voltage generator that can be useful in scenarios where a negative voltage is needed from a single rail supply such as a battery or solar panel! This kit is also great for solder practice and teaches how capacitive coupling can be exploited in electronic circuits.
Component count: 21
Includes high quality printed circuit board (PCB)
Downloadable Electronics Construction Manual includes sections on how to solder and how to identify and mount all types of components on to the printed circuit board
Downloadable instructions include information specific to this kit including circuit diagrams, schematic diagrams and explanations, 'how it works' circuit descriptions as well as component identification and constructional notes
Requires 1x PP3, 9V battery, not included
Supplied as a kit of parts for assembly. Soldering is required.