Olimex PIC32-PINGUINO-MICRO Microchip PIC32 Pinguino Arduino Like Board

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The Olimex PIC32-Pinguino-Micro is a PIC32 development board that is similar to the Arduino but which features several important improvements. The most important of these is the use of the 80MHz PIC32MX440F256H 32-bit microcontroller which has 256KB flash and 32KB of RAM and is substantially more powerful than the 8-bit AVR MCUs. The board also features a USB OTG port which doubles as a programming port for the MCU using the supplied bootloader. Should you want to use an alternative development system there is also a mini-ICSP (0.05in 1.27mm pitch) connector for direct programming. All the MCU IO signals are available on 0.1in (2.54mm) pitch pins on either side of the board making it completely breadboard compatible unlike the Arduino.
  • UEXT for add-on modules like RF, ZigBee, GSM, GPS etc
  • MicroSD card for data logging
  • W x L 3.30 x 5.41mm (1.3 x 2.13in)
Type MCU board


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