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Pepper Robot Academic Edition

<p>These <strong>Academic Edition Pepper Robots</strong> are specifically designed to provide friendly and engaging human interaction in a variety of applications. Pepper is available in two different versions, <strong>NAOqi 2.5 (Python) </strong>or <strong>NAOqi 2.9 (Android), </strong>more details can be found below:</p><p> </p><p><strong>NAOqi 2.5 (Python) Pepper</strong> can be programmed using the bespoke <strong>Choregraphe</strong> software<strong>. </strong></p><p><strong>Choregraphe</strong> can be used to build, manage, and develop social behaviours for your robot. The autonomous talking humanoid robot can be programmed to perceive emotions and adapt its behaviour to the mood of the humans around it. Pepper can identify joy, sadness, anger, or surprise and respond appropriately making interactions with humans incredibly natural and intuitive. Advanced users can also develop applications and behaviours using the Python and C++ SDKs. </p><p><strong>NAOqi 2.9 (Android) Pepper</strong> can be programmed by creating or installing applications, such as <strong> </strong>or <strong>Pepper SDK</strong>.</p><p><strong> </strong>is a content management system for Avatar, Pepper, NAO, and Temi robots. This program allows for the creation of high-quality projects without the need for written coding. Plural contains a wealth of features and advanced elements, the perfect companion for a streamlined integration of robotics into a vast range of sectors. Custom API requests, IoT Triggers, and SMS functions are just a few of the drag-and-drop options within Plural. The system also contains Robot-to-Robot Chat and Command elements, enabling robots linked to your Plural account to chat and control each other!<br></p><p><strong>Pepper SDK </strong>is an Android Studio plug-in that provides a set of graphical tools and a Java library called the QiSDK. This application allows you to control Pepper from its tablet, and enhance the robot's autonomous abilities using Kotlin or Java syntax.</p><p>Pepper Robot has astonishing flexibility and fluidity of movement, with a total of 20 degrees of freedom. This robot can gesture with the speed and grace of a human, all whilst its 3 omnidirectional wheels enable the robot to move around freely through 360&deg;. Fitted with a 10.1 inch touch screen tablet, Pepper can be programmed to display images, videos, web pages, or applications, making interacting with the robot simple and convenient. </p><p>Designed to make interactions with human beings as natural and intuitive as possible and as a result, Pepper Robot has been used in commercial applications all over the world.</p><p>Along with its impressive movement and interactive tablet, Pepper has a wealth of sensors to improve performance and programming experience. These include:</p><ul><li>Microphones</li><li>Touch sensors</li><li>Infrared sensors</li><li>Collision bumpers</li><li>Inertial unit</li><li>Sonars</li><li>2D &amp; 3D cameras</li></ul> <p>The Academic package includes a Pepper Robot, a 30Ah battery with Charger, and a 2-year warranty.</p>

Pepper's charging convenience and battery performance can be improved by combining the robot with its compatible Charging Station. The robot can even be programmed to return to its station when its battery is low.

Watch Pepper in action:

Please note:

  • Pepper is a SoftBank Robotics trademark
  • Mac compatibility of Choregraphe is for OS X 10.8.3 and previous.
  • Please ensure you check which version of Pepper you require:
    • NAOqi 2.5 (Python) Pepper: Compatible with Choregraphe
    • NAOqi 2.9 (Android) Pepper: Compatible with and Pepper SDK.
Height:1.2m (4ft)
Weight:28kg (62lb)
Battery:Lithium-ion 30Ah
Display:10.1 inch touch screen
Vision:1 x ASUS Xtion SoC 3D sensor
2 x OV5640 1080p video cameras
Audio:2 x 5W speakers
4 x microphones
Inertial unit:3-axis gyro
3-axis accelerometer
Environment sensors:6 x laser line generators
3 x bumper switches
2 x sonar distance sensors
Tactile sensors:3 x head sensors
4 x hand sensors (2 in each hand)
Degrees of freedom:Head – yaw and pitch
Shoulder – pitch and roll
Elbow – yaw and roll
Wrist – yaw
Hand – open/close
Hip – roll and pitch
Knee - pitch