<p><B>PICAXE</B> is a microcontroller system that uses low cost FLASH memory based microcontrollers with a unique, pre-programmed <B>PICAXE</B> bootstrap code. This gives a device that may be reprogrammed typically 100,000 times without the need for an expensive and complicated programmer.<br /><br /> <B>PICAXE</B> is programmed using a simple BASIC language or by using an intuitive graphical flowchart system, enabling younger students and hobbyists to start generating programs quickly and easily.<br /><br /> Programming is carried out via a simple serial or USB cable which means that a simple project kit is easily assembled. In addition to the microcontroller chips, starter, tutorial, and upgrade kits are available to provide a complete <B>PICAXE</B> solution.<br /><br /> <B>PICAXE X2</B> microcontroller chips are available in 20, 28 and 40-pin versions, giving a choice of the number of input and output lines. Every pin is individually configurable for greater I/O flexibility. These latest designs of the <B>PICAXE</B> chip feature increased memory, scratchpad and RAM, plus additional features such as the ability to boot or run programs from I2C memory, additional timers, a SRLatch and additional interrupts.</p>
  • Suitable for education, industry and hobbyists
  • Low cost and simple to use
  • Can be programmed using an intuitive graphical flowchart
  • Easy to use Program Editor software
Description Image Product Buy Qty Pricing (Ex VAT) Type
PICAXE AXE012X2-20X2 Chip
PICAXE AXE012X2-20X2 Chip
Standard range
Order code: 13-5000

69 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 5 weeks
1+ £6.21
PICAXE AXE012X2-20x2 Microcontroller
PICAXE AXE010X2-28X2 Chip
PICAXE AXE010X2-28X2 Chip
Standard range
Order code: 13-5002

12 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 5 weeks
1+ £9.99
PICAXE AXE010X2-28x2 Microcontroller
PICAXE AXE014X2-40X2 Chip
PICAXE AXE014X2-40X2 Chip
Standard range
Order code: 13-5004

6 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 5 weeks
1+ £10.29
PICAXE AXE014X2-40x2 Microcontroller
TypePinsVariantLines of Total No. of No. of ADC Order code
memoryI/O pinsinputsoutputs
PICAXE-20X220X22000 to 3200131 – 161 – 161113-5000
PICAXE-28X228X24x 2000 to 3200221 –1 –1113-5002
PICAXE-40X240X24x 2000 to 3200331 –1 –1213-5004
