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Designed to save you time, effort and money, the Pico coil-on-plug ignition probe is the fastest way to test both conventional and coil-on-plug secondary ignition systems. The probe eliminates the need for back-probing or any dismantling. To use the probe simply press it against the coil. It is the fastest way you can check coil-on-plug ignition coils and spark plugs.
Like distributors, spark plug wires are starting to disappear from cars. With the new Coil-On-Plug (COP) ignition systems the ignition coils are connected directly to the spark plugs, eliminating the need for the spark plug wires. With no high-voltage spark wires, and associated wiring looms, COP ignition systems reduce manufacturing and repair costs, and improving ignition performance and reliability.
The probe works with most COP systems; it requires no special adaptors, no foil strips, and no batteries. It will eliminate the need for back-probing: to use the probe simply press the probe against the coil.
Type | Coil-on-plug ignition probe |