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Servisol foam cleanser
Reviewed by: donsworder - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Excellent product highly recommended. Easily cleans grease and tobaco smoke tar from glass and hard plastic surfaces etc.
Its a world leader, used by me for 21 years
Reviewed by: Spencer Tomlinson - Thursday, June 4, 2015
My first job was in TV and VCR servicing and my mentor used this stuff like it was going out of fashion. Later i serviced camcorders, much the same....it was put on anything that moved that looked grubby (externally only with this stuff, don't use on internals). Strictly for cleaning the outside of equipment unless your taking something completely apart for cleaning. A friend of mine repairs old valve radio equipment and this safely cleans back 60 years or more of grime, like it was a layer of fine dust left overnight, effortlessly. 20 years of use in the electronics game speaks for itself, this foam cleaner has a proven track history.. Safe on nearly all plastics (check first though) and virtually any metal surface. Rapid have done the impossible and got the price down to below the competition, hence why I bought from them. I get through cans and cans, every penny counts. 3 Servisol products have remained with me since day one on the job!!, Heatsink compound, switch cleaner and this foam cleaner (and Coldklene 110 but not so much these days). Servisol is a brand you can trust, glad Rapid are the ones selling it.
White plastics
Reviewed by: Barry Broomhead - Monday, January 26, 2015
This product is ideal for all workshops to clean all products after repair, fantastic on white plastics.
Just Brilliant
Reviewed by: TerryF - Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Had some of this from years ago and when I saw it at Rapid immediately ordered another can, its really good especially on plastics which attract dust and seems to go on for ever