Swash Premium Highlighters

<P>These top quality vibrant coloured highlighter pens have a wedge tip for producing thin or thick lines.</P><P><IFRAME height=315 src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g0sEPe2wQf8?rel=0" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"></IFRAME></P>
  • Water based bleed-resistant ink
  • Handy pocket clip
  • Available in packs of 10 of a single colour, or assorted packs of 10 or 48
  • Assorted pack of 10 contains: 2x yellow, 2x orange, 2x green, plus 1 each of red, blue, violet and red
  • Assorted pack of 48 contains 6 each of yellow, orange, pink, purple, dark green, light green, red and blue
Order codeMftrs Part No.
34-9854HLP10APack of 10 assorted
34-9870HLP48APack of 48 assorted
