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The LeCroy CP031 Current Probe 30A 100MHz uses a combination of Hall effect
and transformer technology which enables measurements to be made on DC, AC and
impulse currents. It has a 2 MHz bandwidth and is designed to measure continuous
currents up to 500 Amp.
Powered via the LeCroy ProBus connection, the
CP500 probe requires no additional hardware or the breaking of a circuit to make
accurate and reliable current measurements.
The ProBus connection also
allows the probe and oscilloscope to communicate, resulting in current waveforms
automatically displayed on screen in Amps, with calculated power traces scaled
correctly in Watts. This full integration also allows for Degauss and Autozero
functions to be done directly from the oscilloscope with a single button press.
Altogether these specs, features and capabilities make the LeCroy CP500
Current Probe is ideal for applications such as the design and test of switching
power supplies, motor drives and electric vehicles.