Adafruit FeatherWing Add-ons For All Feather Boards

Adafruit Brand: Adafruit
<P>The <STRONG>Adafruit FeatherWing</STRONG> range of add-on boards is a large and growing collection of useful modules you can use for your Feather projects. Current add-ons include precision real-time clocks, prototyping, eye-watering LED displays and more. The modules are compatible with all the Feather main boards although there is the occasional exception which is noted on the individual product page.</P><P>Some soldering may be required as boards are usually supplied with strips of 0.1in. header where appropriate.</P><P><STRONG>New to Feather?</STRONG> Adafruit have designed a range of processor boards with a consistent board shape and pinout together with a range of add-on boards with a huge range of functionality. The main boards are based on several popular microcontrollers (MCU) so that you can choose the one that suits your requirements or your budget. MCUs include the 32U4, Atmel ATSAMD21G18 with an ARM Cortex A0 core, and the popular ESP8266 which is widely used in Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Each main board has a micro-USB socket for power and programming, a battery connector with charging function and a special function. Because Adafruit has used the smallest components available there's room at one end of the board for a specialist function such as an SD-card holder, Bluetooth LE, packet radio, LoRa, a prototyping area or even WiFi.</P><P>The <STRONG>Atmel ATSAMD21G18</STRONG> is a very interesting chip, it's the one chosen to power the <STRONG>Arduino Zero</STRONG> so you know it will be supported by Arduino development tools, libraries and IDEs. It has a Cortex M0 core with 256kbytes of Flash memory, 32Kbytes of RAM, and runs at 48MHz and 3.3V DC. Compared to the <STRONG>Atmel 32U4</STRONG> it has 8 x the Flash memory, 16 x RAM and a much faster clock speed, 48Mhz compared to 8MHz. </P><P>Once you've chosen your processor, select one or more add-on boards and get developing. The FeatherWing range includes development tools such as prototype boards and an over-size board with screw terminal blocks for external wiring.</P>
  • Standard Feather pinout, plug and play
  • Standard Feather board size 51.2 x 22.8 x 8mm (2. x 0.9 x 0.28in.)
Description Image Product Buy Qty Pricing (Ex VAT) Type
Adafruit 2922 Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards
Adafruit 2922 Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards
Standard range
Order code: 73-5268
MPN: 2922

5 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 7 days
1+ £9.38
Adafruit 2900 FeatherWing OLED - 128x32 OLED Add-on For All Feather Boards
Adafruit 2900 FeatherWing OLED - 128x32 OLED Add-on For All Feather Boards
Standard range
Order code: 73-5305
MPN: 2900

1 in stock, despatched same dayContact us for additional stock
1+ £14.98
LED display
