This GENIE Microcontroller C08 IC is a low-cost microcontroller programming system designed exclusively for schools and colleges. The free, user-friendly flowchart software allows you to add intelligence and control to your new and existing design projects. No separate programmer is required and downloading is via a USB or serial cable.
The heart of the microcontroller system is the microcontoller C08 IC, which has 8 pins. It is possible to run multiple programs at the same time on a single chip and also to run and test programs live on a connected GENIE chip.
The chips are designed to work with the GENIE flowchart programming software for Microsoft Windows™ and there are free online resources and community website at
Developed by the authors of Livewire, PCB Wizard and Circuit Wizard
Q. Hi,
I use the C08 Project Kit with my student but the legs on the socket the chip fits into in a lot of cases come loose. What sockets is supplied with the C08?
A. Hi Conor. Thank you for your question. The replacement sockets can be found here. We sell them in a tube of 60.
Q. Hi there! I wanted to know if the genie chips are programmable in C? If yes then which software shud i use to compile the code on em, as I already have 'Circuit Wizard' and tht supports 'BASIC'..
A. Hi Anosh, thanks for your question. C is not compatible as far as we are aware. However, the developer New Wave Concepts may be able to tell you if this will be possible in the future. You can use the support option to send them an email below: