High quality toroidal transformer, 160VA 0-25V, 0-25V, manufactured with twin primary and secondary windings to strict quality control in accordance with EN61558 and EN60950, UL, C-UL and CE.
These transformers are excellent value for money. I bought one to fix an audio amplifier - 160VA 2x25V - and it worked great. The output voltage was quite stable, if a little higher than specified (around 27-28 volts measured with my true RMS meter). It came with a mounting kit including a nut and bolt (about 5mm diameter with 10mm hexagonal head), two pieces of foam to sandwich the tranny, presumably to damp vibrations, a metal plate to go on top, two normal washers and a springy washer. It came with no instructions but I guessed that you were supposed to put the bolt with a washer through the case, then a piece of foam, then the transformer, another piece of foam, the metal ring, the springy washer and then the nut. That leaves one washer unused, so Ive probably done something wrong but it seems to hold.