Evatron Keyfob Remote Control Cases

<p><a href="/enclosure-modifications" title="Use our special enclosure customisation service"><img src="//static.rapidonline.com/img/enclosure-modifications/rapidMods.png" width="555" alt="Planning to buy a range of enclosures for your latest project?"></a></p>A range of neatly styled cases for keyfob remote-control applications like car alarms, automatic door opening, lighting, etc.
  • Lugs for chain links or split key-rings
  • Holes for mounting LEDs to confirm operation of the controller
  • The width of the cases allows the use of a miniature 12V battery (see Batteries section), and battery contacts are supplied
  • The cases simply clip together except for the small, single button case which has a single fixing screw (supplied)
  • The push-button for the smaller case is a hinged part of the top case, whereas the larger cases have separate, captive buttons in colours as tabulated below.
  • Case colour: black, all types
  • Dimensions: small case 45 x 36 x 14mm, larger cases 56 x 36 x 16mm
Button colours
1 buttonBlue
2 buttonsRed and blue
3 buttonsRed, blue and black
