Hammond BeagleBone Black Enclosures 1593 Series - Black/Blue/Grey

<p><a href="/forms/hammond-modifications" title="Hammond modifications"><img src="//static.rapidonline.com/img/hammond/customise/customiseText2.png" width="555" style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px;" alt="Click here to request a Hammond modification"></a><br><br>Hammond BeagleBone Black Enclosures 1593 Series have been designed for the popular BeagleBone Black development board. Manufactured using ABS plastic with a satin texture, these enclosures are secured with self tapping screws and allow access to I/O connectors and LEDs.</p>
  • 95mm length
  • 77mm width
  • 30mm enclosure depth (assembled)
  • Available in black, grey or translucent blue
  • Includes 4 self adhesive rubber feet and instructions
  • Order codeColour
