Hammond Blue End Panels for 1455 Series Enclosures

<p><a href="/forms/hammond-modifications" title="Hammond modifications"><img src="//static.rapidonline.com/img/hammond/customise/customiseText2.png" width="555" style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px;" alt="Click here to request a Hammond modification"></a><br><br>These <STRONG>end panels </STRONG>are suitable for use with extruded aluminium <STRONG>enclosures</STRONG> from the <STRONG>Hammond</STRONG> 1455 Series. They are available in a range of sizes.</p>
  • Colour blue
  • Supplied in packs of 10
Order codeHammond part no.Suitable forSize (mm)Colour
30-16111455CALBU-101455C Series1.5 x 54 x 23Blue
30-16121455DALBU-101455D Series1.5 x 45 x 25Blue
30-16131455JALBU-101455J Series1.5 x 78 x 27Blue
30-16141455KALBU-101455K Series1.5 x 78 x 43Blue
30-16151455LALBU-101455L Series1.5 x 103 x 30.5Blue
30-16161455NALBU-101455N Series1.5 x 103 x 53Blue
30-16171455PALBU-101455P Series1.5 x 120.5 x 30.5Blue
30-16181455QALBU-101455Q Series1.5 x 120.5 x 51.5Blue
30-16191455RALBU-101455R Series1.5 x 160 x 30.5Blue
30-16211455TALBU-101455T Series1.5 x 160 x 51.5Blue
