The Keithley 2260B-30-36 is a Single Output Variable Programmable Bench DC Power Supply rated at 360W from the 2260 Series. The power supply can source a wide range of voltages and currents with the 360W output providing constant power for a flexible range of voltage and current output combinations.
The wide range of output voltages and currents of the 2260-30-36 along with multiple interfaces, enable its use in numerous applications including Environmental Test, Stress Test, and Accelerated Life Testing, LED and High Power Component Testing, Automotive Testing, Battery Research and Production Test.
360W with voltage up to 30V and current up to 36A
Combine power supplies in serial and parallel combinations to expand voltage and current outputs
Constant current priority setting reduces voltage and current overshoot when powering LEDs
Simulate a battery's output characteristics with a programmable output resistance
Display delivered power with either the output current or the output voltage
Choose from analogue control, USB, LAN, or an optional GPIB interface for automated control