Keithley Series 2200, DC Bench Power Supply Range

<p>The Keithley Series 2200 offers DC power supply models with voltage outputs from 20V to 72V to address a wide range of power requirements. </p><p>These supplies have both front and rear outputs for use on a bench or in a test system. With basic voltage setting accuracy of 0.03% and basic voltage readback accuracy of 0.02%, the voltage you program for the load is the voltage accurately applied at the output terminals. </p><p>The rear panel connections include remote sense terminals that compensate for voltage drops in the power supply leads.</p><p>Applications include research and development labs, and automated test systems.</p>

Product Features Include:

  • Low Ripple and Noise
  • 0.1mA Measurement Resolution
  • Remote Sense to Compensate from Test Leads
  • Kickstart Software Support
