Vitrex 102023 Wall Tile Spacers 2.5mm (Pack 1000)

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Brand: Vitrex MPN: 102023 EAN-13: 5011204601868
Qty Unit Price (Ex VAT)
1+ £5.31
Price per unit {{ IncVat ? 'Inc' : 'Ex' }} VAT
Available to back orderPlease contact us for lead time

Vitrex Wall Tile Spacers are supplied in a resealable bag or tub for easy and convenient storage. Each pack comes complete with a Ready Reckoner, a quick and simple way to calculate the correct number of spacers required.

Tile spacers provide an easy way to achieve a more professional finish, spaces floor tiles evenly, and ensures an even grout line throughout.

Size. 2.5mm
Qty. 1000

Type Spacer

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