Atmel ATMEGA328P-PU AVR 8-bit Microcontroller 28 PDIP

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Brand: Atmel MPN: ATMEGA328P-PU


Low power AVR 8-bit microcontroller from the ATmega family with advanced RISC architecture, high endurance non-volatile memory segments, power-on reset and programmable brown-out detection.

To find out more about our range of Atmel microcontrollers, please visit our brand page at

  • Supply voltage 1.8V to 5.5V
  • Flash memory 32KB
  • EEPROM memory 1KB
  • SRAM data memory 2KB
  • 23 I/O pins
  • 6ch x 10Bit ADC channels
  • 2 timers
  • 6 PWM channels
  • Clock speed 20MHz
  • Serial 2-Wire, SPI, USART interfaces
  • 28-DIP case
Clock Speed 20MHz
Package DIL-28


*Question functionality currently disabled

Sunday, March 30, 2014 Question by: Rapid Customer | Product code: 73-4283
Q. What is the difference (apart from price) between the Atmega 328-PU and the Atmega 328P-PU?
A. Hi Keith. Thank you for your question. The main difference between the "P" version and the non "P" version is that the "P" version has lower power consumption.


Fix your broken Arduino

Reviewed by: Tom Lynch - Sunday, February 9, 2014
This microcontroller is the same part installed in many Arduino boards, including the Arduino Uno, and Duemilanove. This means it is a fantastic drop in replacement for broken Arduino boards when a pin has died from overcurrent conditions for example. The chip is also a great basis for building your own Arduino on a breadboard when coupled with a USB AVR programmer like (73-4266) or the open source Adafruit USBtinyISP.
