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The Adafruit Bluefruit LE Friend lets you cut through the pile of Bluetooth Classic APIs, development tools and licences, and treat a Bluetooth LE connection just like a serial link. Send and receive keystrokes via your favourite terminal software or via software such as Python (via PySerial). The necessary software stack is built right into the Bluetooth LE board, so you can focus on sending and receiving the data you want for your application. Its optional command mode lets you create GATT services and characteristics, simulate Beacons and set the device advertising. One particularly useful feature is the over the air (OTA) programming from any BLE capable iOS or Android device. Programming is also possible via JTAG using the snap-off SWD connector. Based around the very capable Nordic nRF51822 chipset with Adafruit's own custom firmware. See Adafruit's "Quick Start" guide, part of their massive free tutorial with software examples.
We also supply this board with dedicated Bluetooth LE sniffer software (Bluetooth LE Sniffer 75-0586) which is compatible with Wireshark.
Supplied as a fully assembled board.
*Customers looking to resell on eBay or Amazon should contact Adafruit directly.
*Customers looking to resell on eBay or Amazon should contact Adafruit directly.
Type | Bluetooth interface |