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Dash and Dot

Class Connect

Designed to support the award-winning Dash & Dot robots and the primary-friendly Blockly programming app, Class Connect gives teachers a tool to see where students are succeeding and struggling in real time. Gather all your students' progress in one place and see how they are solving the challenges that are being set.

Manage classroom

How does it work?

As a teacher, you have access to the Class Connect Portal. From this central hub, you can manage your classrooms and create profiles for the students within each class. You can also control which devices (tablets, smartphones etc) have access to your classroom.

Once you have created classrooms and student profiles, your students can then select their unique profile from any of the devices that you have enabled. Each time they complete a task within the Blockly programming language, the Dashboard in the portal is updated in real time. From here, you can see which tasks each student has completed, how long it took to complete and you can also see their solution to the task as well.

Blocky dashboard

As a teacher, you can unlock tasks for all or specific students allowing you to manage ability levels easily and make sure that each student is learning at a rate that is best suited to their needs.

  • Track each students progress in one handy dashboard
  • See each students' solutions to tasks as well as suggested solutions for each
  • Download teacher guide PDFs for each set of tasks with learning outcomes, solutions and extension activities
  • Unlock activities for each student to ensure the right level of challenge
  • Students don't need to log in - no data compliance issues