Bernstein High Precision Tweezers with ESD Coating for SMD Components

<p>This extensive range of <STRONG>high precision tweezers </STRONG>from<STRONG> Bernstein </STRONG>have a variety of tips and ESD coating, which makes them particularly suitable for use with electrical or electronic <STRONG>SMD</STRONG> components.</p>
  • Made from special stainless steel with matt finish
  • Anti-magnetic
  • Acid resistant
Order codeBernstein part no.Length (mm)Type
49-86405-049-13110Straight, very sharp points
49-86445-053-13110Obliquely angled, very sharp points
49-86585-063-1311535° angled, 3.5mm width, with gripping cavity
49-86525-059-13120Flat, rounded 2mm tips
49-86475-055-13120Sickle-shaped very sharp points
49-86495-056-13120Slightly bent very sharp points
49-86605-065-13120Straight, 3mm width, with gripping cavity
49-86625-066-1312030° angled tip, 2.5mm width
49-86645-067-1312045° angled tip, 2mm width
49-86665-068-13120Angled tip, 1.6mm width
49-86745-076-13120Rigid, straight points
49-86765-077-13130Round, tapering points
49-86785-078-13130Tapering chisel, 1mm wide
49-86705-073-13140Long, thin, straight very sharp points
