Item added to basket:
Suggested Queries
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- {{suggestions.ScopedQuery}} in {{scope}}
- {{brand.contentName}}
- {{tier.contentName}}
Other Suggestions
- {{page.contentName}}
Once registered and logged in, you can access ‘My Account’, your personal area of the website, in which you can view your transaction history, including back orders and scheduled orders, change your account settings, change your password and log-in details, view and edit personalised order codes, view invoices, favourite products, favourite orders and personalise features of the website.
If a particular order contains products that are ordered regularly, you can select it as a favourite order and return to it over and over again. Orders can be selected as favourites by viewing ‘My Orders’ and clicking the unfilled star at the left of each order. These orders will be displayed when selecting ‘My Favourite Orders’. Clicking the ‘Add all to basket’ button will place the products from the respective order into your basket.
Products that you buy or use frequently can be selected and stored as a ‘favourite’. When logged in, click the Add to Favourites link on any product page. Click the ‘Favourite Products’ link in My Account to see all the favourite products you have set up. Products can be added directly to your basket from here.
PDF invoices for orders you have placed in the previous three months are available to view, save and print online. You can access your invoices from the 'View and Print Invoices' link in the 'My Account' area.
Here you can view your complete order history – including outstanding back orders (with estimated despatch and completion dates) and scheduled orders. Saved baskets can be accessed and edited, quote requests (live and expired) viewed. Invoices for the last three months for your account can also be viewed, saved, emailed and printed.
Customise the settings of the website to suit your own requirements, particularly on product pages. You have the ability to show prices including or excluding VAT, and set the currency to GB £, Euro € or US $.
Once your personal preferences have been selected and saved, these will be your default settings every time you login to the website.