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- {{brand.contentName}}
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Other Suggestions
- {{page.contentName}}
Whether you are an existing offline customer looking to buy on the website for the first time, or are completely new to Rapid, it will not take you long to create an account, set up your log-in details and start placing orders.
No. You can proceed through the checkout on our website as a guest. The only details you need to enter in the 'Guest Checkout' are your email address, name, delivery address and phone number. After placing your order you will have the option of registering with us.
If you have an existing offline Rapid account, or want to add yourself to your company's online account, you can do this by clicking the 'Register' part of the Sign In/Register link at the top right of your screen. Click ‘Continue’ in the section 'Does your company have an existing account?'. This will take you through to a screen where you can enter your Rapid account number and billing address postcode. You will be able to register an email address, telephone number and check your address details are correct.
If you are a new customer, you can create an account by clicking the 'Register' part of the 'Sign In/Register' link as above, and enter your details as requested. Here you will need to create your log-in details and enter your contact information and billing address details. You also have the chance to sign up to our newsletter. Click the 'Register' button to confirm your registration. Your password will be assessed for its strength – weak, medium or strong – and if your email address is not in the correct format, we will prompt you.
Please note: as part of our fraud prevention policy, only orders under £100 for new customers with a UK invoice address can be sent to a different UK address. 30 days after your first order, you will be able to add a different delivery address for all orders. Your delivery must be sent to your invoice address.