Hellermann Tyton BRES Accessories for Wall Mounted Enclosures

<p>A wide range of back plates designed specifically for wall mounted enclosures. The back plates have been individually styled to fit perfectly. They are available in either polyester or metal.<BR><BR>They are for mounting electrical or electronic equipment inside the enclosures preventing the unnecessary drilling holes in to the enclosure.</p>
  • Polyester protected to IP66 standard
Part No.HeightWidthDepthDescriptionOrder code
PBP325300250140Polyester back plate 28-3281
PBP43400300200Polyester back plate 28-3282
PBP44400400200Polyester back plate 28-3283
PBP54500400200Polyester back plate 28-3284
PBP64600400230Polyester back plate 28-3285
PBP65600500230Polyester back plate 28-3286
PBP86800600300Polyester back plate 28-3287
PBM325300250140Metal back plate 28-3288
PBM43400300200Metal back plate 28-3289
PBM44400400200Metal back plate 28-3290
PBM64600400230Metal back plate 28-3292
PBM65600500230Metal back plate 28-3293
PBM86800600300Metal back plate 28-3294
