74HC Series Logic

<p>The 74HC family of logic devices are high speed, low power devices that use CMOS circuitry. The devices are pin compatible with many existing devices such as the 74TTL, 74STTL and 4000 series.</p>
  • 2V to 6V operation
  • Very high impedance inputs
  • Can sink and source approx. 20mA
  • Large fan-out capability
Description Image Product MPN Pricing (Ex VAT) Buy Qty Logic IC Base Number Logic IC Function Operating Temperature Range Package/Case
Texas Instruments SN74HC00N Quad 2-input NAND Gate DIL
Texas Instruments SN74HC00N Quad 2-input NAND Gate DIL
Standard range
5+ £0.657
25+ £0.504
100+ £0.400
500+ £0.330

Order in multiples of 5

330 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 16 months
7400 Quadruple 2-Input NAND Gate -55 to +125°C DIL-14
Texas Instruments SN74HC02N Logic Quad 2 Input NOR Gate DIP14
Texas Instruments SN74HC02N Logic Quad 2 Input NOR Gate DIP14
Standard range
5+ £0.298
25+ £0.282
100+ £0.201

Order in multiples of 5

851 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74HC02 Quad 2-input NOR gate -40 to +85°C DIL-14
Texas Instruments CD74HC08E Logic Quad 2 Input AND Gate DIP14
Texas Instruments CD74HC08E Logic Quad 2 Input AND Gate DIP14
Standard range
5+ £0.561
25+ £0.476
100+ £0.389

Order in multiples of 5

1,063 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 4 months
74HC08 Quad 2-input AND gate -40 to +85°C DIL-14
Texas Instruments SN74HC14N ST Hex Schmitt Trigger DIL
Texas Instruments SN74HC14N ST Hex Schmitt Trigger DIL
Standard range
5+ £0.807
25+ £0.743
100+ £0.552
500+ £0.472

Order in multiples of 5

1,120 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
7414 Hex Schmitt Inverter -55 to +125°C DIL-14
TI SN74HC20N Dual 4-input NAND Gate
TI SN74HC20N Dual 4-input NAND Gate
Standard range
250+ £0.312

Order in multiples of 5

200 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
7420 Dual 4-Input NAND Gate -55 to +125°C DIL-14
TI SN74HC32N Quad 2-input OR Gate DIL
TI SN74HC32N Quad 2-input OR Gate DIL
Standard range
5+ £0.528
25+ £0.405
100+ £0.337
500+ £0.266

Order in multiples of 5

535 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
7432 Quadruple 2-Input OR Gate -55 to +125°C DIL-14
Texas Instruments SN74HC74N Logic Dual D Type Flip Flop DIP14
Texas Instruments SN74HC74N Logic Dual D Type Flip Flop DIP14
Standard range
5+ £0.376
25+ £0.359
100+ £0.357

Order in multiples of 5

236 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74HC74 Dual D-type flip-flop -40 to +85°C DIL-14
TI SN74HC86N Quad Exclusive OR Gate DIL
TI SN74HC86N Quad Exclusive OR Gate DIL
Standard range
5+ £0.533
25+ £0.504
100+ £0.422

Order in multiples of 5

236 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
7486 Quadruple Exclusive OR Gate -55 to +125°C DIL-14
Texas Instruments SN74HC138N 3-to-8 Decoder /Multiplexer
Texas Instruments SN74HC138N 3-to-8 Decoder /Multiplexer
Standard range
5+ £0.647
25+ £0.614
100+ £0.553

Order in multiples of 5

1,367 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74138 3-to-8 Line Decoder -55 to +125°C DIL-16
Texas Instruments SN74HC165N 8 Bit Piso Shift Register
Texas Instruments SN74HC165N 8 Bit Piso Shift Register
Standard range
5+ £0.666
25+ £0.610
100+ £0.500

Order in multiples of 5

966 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74165 8-Bit PISO Shift Register -55 to +125°C DIL-16
Texas Instruments CD74HCT193E Up / Down Binary Counter
Texas Instruments CD74HCT193E Up / Down Binary Counter
Standard range
5+ £0.825
25+ £0.645
100+ £0.526

Order in multiples of 5

65 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74193 Presettable Synchronous 4-Bit Up / Down Counter -55 to +125°C DIL-16
Texas Instruments SN74HC245N Octal Bus Transceiver
Texas Instruments SN74HC245N Octal Bus Transceiver
Standard range
5+ £0.745
25+ £0.582
100+ £0.472

Order in multiples of 5

395 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74245 Octal Bus Transceiver -55 to +125°C DIL-20
Texas Instruments SN74HC374N Tri-State Octal D-Type Flip Flop
Texas Instruments SN74HC374N Tri-State Octal D-Type Flip Flop
Standard range
5+ £0.422
25+ £0.303
100+ £0.248
500+ £0.235

Order in multiples of 5

649 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74374 Octal D-Type Flip Flop -55 to +125°C DIL-20
Texas Instruments CD74HC390E Dual Decade Ripple Counter
Texas Instruments CD74HC390E Dual Decade Ripple Counter
Standard range
5+ £0.721
25+ £0.580
100+ £0.491

Order in multiples of 5

123 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74390 Dual Decade Ripple Counter -55 to +125°C DIL-16
NXP 74HC74D,652 CMOS SOIC-14 SMD Flip Flop Semiconductor
NXP 74HC74D,652 CMOS SOIC-14 SMD Flip Flop Semiconductor
Standard range
5+ £0.252
25+ £0.203
100+ £0.167
500+ £0.130

Order in multiples of 5

62 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
7474 Dual D-Type Flip-Flop -40 to +125°C SO-14
Texas Instruments SN74HC595N 8-bit Shift Register DIP16
Texas Instruments SN74HC595N 8-bit Shift Register DIP16
Standard range
5+ £1.14
25+ £1.09
100+ £0.897
500+ £0.735

Order in multiples of 5

1,215 in stock, despatched same dayAdditional quantity lead time 14 days
74HC595 8-bit Shift register -40 to +85°C DIL-16
DeviceFunctionPackageMftr.Order code
74HC00Quad 2-input NAND gateDIL-14TI83-0036
74HC02Quad 2-input NOR gateDIL-14ST83-0038
74HC02NQuad 2 input NOR gateDIL-14TI51-6275
74HC04DHex inverterSO-14TI83-0886
74HC08Quad 2-input AND gateDIL-14ST83-0044
74HC08EQuad 2 input AND gateDIL-14TI51-6276
74HC14Hex Schmitt inverterDIL-14TI83-0050
74HC20Dual 4-input NAND gateDIL-14TI83-0052
74HC32Quad-2 input OR gateDIL-14TI83-0058
74HC74DDual D-type flip-flop with preset and CLRSO-14NXP83-0483
74HC74NDual D-type flip-flop with preset and CLRDIL-14TI51-6278
74HC86Quad exclusive OR gateDIL-14TI83-0072
74HC123Dual monostable multivibratorDIL-16ST83-0076
74HC132DQuad 2-input NAND Schmitt triggerSO-14NXP83-0487
74HC1383 to 8 line decoder (inverting)DIL-16TI83-0084
74HC138D3 to 8 line decoder (inverting)SO-16NXP83-0884
74HC1648-bit SIPO shift registerDIL-14ST83-0104
74HC1658-bit PISO shift registerDIL-16TI83-0106
74HC174Hex D-type flip-flop + clearDIL-16ST83-0108
74HC193Up/down binary counterDIL-16TI83-0115
74HC245Octal bus transceiverDIL-20TI83-0124
74HC2598-bit addressable latchDIL-16ST83-0130
74HC259D8-bit addressable latchSO-16NXP83-0880
74HC373Octal D-type latchDIL-20TI83-0142
74HC374Octal D-type flip-flopDIL-20TI83-0145
74HC390Dual decade counterDIL-16TI83-0147
74HC393Dual binary counterDIL-14TI83-0148
74HC573Octal D-type latchDIL-20TI83-0152
74HC574Octal D-type flip-flopDIL-20TI83-0155
74HC5958-bit Shift registerDIL-16TI82-0265
