Q. Hi does this product have a clear plastic pocket on the front for inserting a piece of card?
A. Hi Sam, thank you for your question. Yes these have a plastic clear vinyl pocket on the front and side.
Perfect size
Reviewed by: Mrs Elizabeth Duncan - 19 January 2016
This is the 2nd time I have purchased these ring binders. I use them in a parents group that I run. Parents use them to keep the handouts and song words that they get during the group. Being A5, they are a perfect size for the parents to be able to carry around in their changing bags.
Also having a limited budget (relying on parental donations!) they are a great price too!
A5 Folders
Reviewed by: Peter E llis - 12 August 2015
These have proved ideal for storing my plays and short stories.
Being an 5 size - and as most are A4 Saves space on my all too full shelves
Presentation Folders
Reviewed by: Wendy Bolton - 26 March 2014
Very good quality at a very reasonable price, would recommend them and purchase them again.