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Cookie Settings

Can I turn Cookies off?

We use cookies to make our website easier to use and so that we can provide the best possible service. Cookies are an essential part of how our website works, and to ensure it works properly for you, we recommend that they are enabled. If you disable cookies, some parts of the website will not work.

However, if you would like to disable or block cookies from this website you can do so via your browser settings.

Rapidonline Cookies

If you don’t make changes to your cookies settings via your browser, the following cookies may be used when you visit this website.
You are able to turn non-essential cookies on/off below:

Functionality Cookies

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In addition you can manage the following cookies independently of

Gaining your consent

How do you consent to the use of cookies?

If you continue to use this site without changing your settings, we will take this to mean that you are giving your consent to the use of cookies on This is in accordance with the most recent guidance by the Information Commissioner's Office.

If you choose to disable cookies on your browser or via the options above, you will do so on the understanding that certain parts of the site will not function correctly.
