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SDK, Software Development Kit for developing your NAO.
This comprehensive, accessible Software Development Kit from Aldebaran Robotics puts user-friendly, documented software at your disposal. The kit allows you, whatever your skill level, to create behaviours for your robot. It also lets you integrate the modules you develop into your robot and use them to create more elaborate behaviours. The Software Development Kit also contains compiling and debugging tools. This multi-platform development kit is compatible with many commonly used languages and robotics platforms, including Java, JavaScript, C++, Python, MATLAB, Urbi and .Net.
Choregraphe is the programming software that lets you simply create and edit your NAOs movements and interactive behaviours. Its intuitive graphical interface, library of standard behaviours, and advanced programming functions meet the needs of both beginners and experts. You can create behaviours simply by dragging and dropping actions from the library or creating customized boxes and saving them to custom libraries. The boxes of pre-programmed behaviours are easily configurable, but you can also create your own by using the Curve Editor to edit movements or by writing them in Python scripts. Choregraphe accepts the Urbi and Python languages and can therefore directly call the C++ modules developed separately. It is supplied with many detailed examples that simplify the learning process.
Webots creates a virtual world in which you can simulate behaviours. You can also test your program creations in a 3D environment. Interfaced with Choregraphe, Webots allows you to test your programs in a virtual environment before inserting them into NAO in real conditions.
Monitor allows you to see and perceive like NAO. It allows you to easily access accurate data from your NAOs sensors. You can then use the Memory module to access and analyze, in a user-friendly way, all the data provided by NAOs sensors. Monitor also lets you test the vision algorithms on recorded extracts.