Meet Dobot Magician - the desktop robotic arm with incredible accuracy and repeatability. Dobot is versatile - it can be controlled via a PC, remote control, gesture control or programmed to operate as a standalone unit.
Dobot Magician's control software is called DobotStudio. It has a wealth of integrated features including Teach and Playback mode (no coding required!), graphical programming via Blockly and text programming. Dobot can also be controlled via a Leap Motion gesture control unit, remote joystick and via Bluetooth or WiFi.
Because Dobot's movements are so accurate, it is an excellent way to learn about control, automation and how industrial robots work without the need for large machinery.
Dobot comes at just a fraction of the size and cost of its industrial equivalent making it ideal for the classroom environment. Dobot also offers a large amount of flexibility through its Extended Input and Output (EIO) ports which allow users to connect their own sensors, motors, servos or additional microcontrollers.
The Dobot Magician Robotic Arm is also available in two cost saving bundles:
70-0490 - Dobot Magician Robotic Arm and Sliding Rail Kit Bundle containing:
70-0480 - Dobot Magician Robotic Arm
70-0481 - Dobot Sliding Rail Kit
70-0491 - Dobot Magician Robotic Arm and Dobot Magician Vision Kit Bundle containing:
70-0480 - Dobot Magician Robotic Arm
70-0485 - Dobot Magician Vision Kit
Supplied with everything you need to use Dobot: Dobot Magician robot arm; power supply; 3 different end effectors - claw, suction cup and pen; USB cable; WiFi module; bluetooth module; joystick remote control; DobotStudio software. This version does not include a laser engraver or 3D print extruder.