This is the National Semiconductor LM2904N dual op amp. It is part of the LM158 series and features a wider operating temperature range (see below). Applications include transducer amplifiers, dc gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits. As the device is able to operate from a single supply voltage it is possible to interface them directly to 5VDC systems without the need for additional voltages (±15).
Operational amplifier General purpose Low power type Dual amplifiers 1MHz bandwidth 10mV input offset voltage 100V/mV gain 70dB CMRR Single 3 to 32VDC supply voltage Or dual 1.5V to 16VDC3 supply voltage -40°C to +85°C 8-MDIP case Internally frequency compensated for unity gain Large DC voltage gain Wide bandwidth Very Low supply current Drain Low input offset voltage Large Output voltage swing
Number of Amplifiers
Op Amp Type
Operating Temperature Range
-40 to +85°C
Supply Voltage
3 to 32V
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MPN: {{product.ManuPartNo}}
{{attribute.Name}} : {{decodeHtml(attribute.Value)}}
ROHS : Compliant
ROHS : Exempt
ROHS : Non Compliant
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