National Semiconductor LM334Z Adjustable Current Source

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Brand: National Semiconductor MPN: LM334Z


Adjustable current source, shunt topology, 3% initial accuracy, 1V to 40V series VREF input voltage, 1uA series VREF supply current, 10mA shunt current, 33ppm/°C temperature coefficient, TO-92 case, LM334 are 3-terminal adjustable current sources featuring 10000:1 range in operating current, excellent current regulation, A wide dynamic voltage range of 1V to 40V, applications for the current sources include bias networks, surge protection, low power reference, ramp generation, LED driver, and temperature sensing.

Device LM334Z
Package TO-92
Pd 0.4W
Temperature Range 0 to +70°C
Voltage 40V


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