Weller Tips for Weller WP 60K Pyropen Gas Soldering Kit

<p>A range of soldering tips, hot air nozzles, etc., for use with the Weller WP 60K Pyropen Gas Soldering Kit, <strong><u><a href="https://www.rapidonline.com/85-5764">85-5764</a></u></strong>.</p>
  • Weller 60-x series
Order codeMftrs Part No.Type
85-5765T0051613499Needle tip 0.5mm
85-5767T0051644399Needle tip 1.0mm
85-5769T0051644499Chisel tip 2.4mm
85-5771T0051644699Chisel tip 5.0mm
85-5773T0051644599Round tip 2.0mm
85-5775T0051644799Hot air nozzle 4.7mm
85-5779T0051644899Ejector unit
