Freescale LFEBS12UB Student Learning Kit for MC9S12DG128

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Brand: Freescale MPN: LFEBS12UB


Freescale's S12 DG128 MCU stand-alone student learning kit (S12UB) is targeted at teaching the first course in MCUs at the university level. The kit contains all of the materials needed to learn MC9S12DG128 operation, embedded assembly and C programming. The S12UB board provides both debug and user circuitry sections. The debug, or development tool section, supports both D-Bug 12 and CodeWarrior debuggers through a serial RS-232 interface.
  • Development kit type (category): Starter kit
  • MC layout: 16-bit
  • Series (Microcontroller): FRS HCS12
  • Technology (Microcontroller): 16-bit MCU
  • Tool type: Debugger
  • Type: LFEBS12UB

For more information, please refer to the manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet.


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