PICAXE Microcontroller Range

<P><B>PICAXE</B> is a microcontroller system that uses low cost FLASH memory based microcontrollers with a unique, pre-programmed <B>PICAXE</B> bootstrap code. This gives a device that may be reprogrammed typically 100,000 times without the need for an expensive and complicated programmer. <B>PICAXE</B> is programmed using a simple BASIC language or via the <B>Logicator</B> flowcharting software. Windows, Mac and Linux are all supported by the free BASIC software which can be downloaded from <U>www.picaxe.co.uk</U>.<BR><BR>Programming is carried out via a simple USB lead (<B><a href="/13-0849">13-0849</B></a>) or serial (<B><a href="/13-0847">13-0847</B></a>) cable. In addition to the microcontroller chips, starter, tutorial, and upgrade kits are available to provide a complete <B>PICAXE</B> solution. <B>PICAXE</B> microcontroller chips are available in 8, 14, 18, 20 and 28-pin versions, giving a choice of the number of input and output lines, and also in several variants which offer differing amounts of memory and extra features so a choice can be made according to project need.</P>
  • Suitable for education, industry and hobbyists
  • Low cost and simple to use
  • Wide range of variants
  • Can be programmed using an intuitive graphical flowchart
  • Free, easy to use Programming Editor software
NOTE: See also the PICAXE X2 chips section for the X2 variant PICAXE chips.
PICAXEPinsVariantLines of Total No. of No. of ADC Order code
memoryI/O pinsinputsoutputs(L=low)

Variant feature highlights:
M2 variants
Infra red, servo and ring tone music features
Greater memory and RAM
Touch sensor support
parallel task processing
X/X1 variants
Greater memory and RAM
Scratchpad RAM area
I²C, SPI, EUSART interfaces
higher baud rate
enhanced maths capabilities,
