Stanley 1992B Heavy-Duty Knife Blades

<p>These Stanley 1992B blades are heavy-duty, general purpose blades that fit all standard Stanley knives. The trapezoid shaped blades are highly resistant and reversible.</p>
  • Ideal for carpet, vinyl and any other material requiring a stiffer and stronger blade
  • Blade length: 62mm
  • Blade thickness: 0.65mm
  • Blade height: 19mm
  • Available in a wide range of pack types and quantities
This product is covered by the Offensive Weapons Act 1996. To purchase and accept delivery of this product, you must be over the age of 18.
Order codeMftrs Part No.Pack quantityPack type
84-82391-98-46020 (2x 10)Dispenser
84-76231-11-921100 (20x 5)Bulk
84-87518-11-921100 (10x 10)Dispenser
