Pressmaster MCT Crimp Dies and Ratchet Crimp Tool

<P>Pressmaster's Mobile Crimp Tool has been designed for professionals who take their tools to work.</P><P>It is ideal for electricians and installation engineers who require hand tools which are reliable, safe and comfortable to use readily available in a tool box.</P><P>The modern turn-key installer has to be equipped to connect an ever greater number of connectors including power, coaxial, fibre optic and modular connectors. As a result, the tool box for a complete crimp tool solution can be a heavy load to carry. </P><P>Pressmaster's Mobile Crimp Tool can be used with easily interchangeable crimp dies. A range of 12 dies for use in a wide variety of applications with the Mobile Crimp Tool are available from Rapid.</P><P>These mean you can customise your tool kit to suit general purpose or specific needs.</P><P>The tool itself is practical and easy to use without compromising the quality of the crimp.</P><P>To find out more about our range of <a href="/pressmaster">Pressmaster crimping tools and accessories</a>, please visit our <a href="/pressmaster">Pressmaster </a>brand page.</P>
  • Crimp tool and dies sold separately
  • Crimp dies kept in pairs and delivered in a modular reusable box
Rapid order code Manufacturer's part Crimp function
33-03784300-3128Yellow/mini green insulated. 4-6/0.1-0.4mm², 12-10/26-22 AWG
33-03794300-3129Red/blue insulated. 0.5-2.5mm², 22-14 AWG
33-03804300-3139Uninsulated/ copper tube 4-10mm², 12-8 AWG
33-03814300-3137Uninsulated/ copper tube. 0.5-2.5mm², 22-14 AWG
33-03824300-3127Endsplices/ferrules. 0.25-10.0mm², 24-8 AWG
33-03844300-3154Endsplices/ferrules. 35-50mm², 2-0 AWG
33-03874300-3146Open barrel 0.5-1.5/1.5-2.5/4-6mm², 22-16/16-14/12-10 AWG
33-03854300-3150Open barrel 0.1-0.25/0.25-0.5/1.0mm², 26-24/24-22/22-18 AWG
33-03894300-3140Coaxial BNC/TNC. RG 174 & 179. 4.52/3.25/1.69/sqr 0.7mm. 0.178/0.128/0.067/sqr 0.028
33-03924300-3144Modular plug RJ-45, 8/8
33-03934300-3132Modular plug RJ-11, 6/6, 6/4, 6/2
